Changes to Swig N' Sealed!

Who doesn’t love change? Change is the biggest reason we became a wizard. Now we can transform almost anything we want into a change machine, anytime. No more scrounging for quarters on robe wash week. With that in mind, here’s what’s going down.

  • Swig N’ Sealed events will now be capped at 3 rounds with a built in afterparty/award ritual!
  • There will now be Unsanctioned Seasons that consist of 4 Swig N’ Sealed events (assuming a normal set release sched).

We want to provide time for folks to hobnob with old and new friends at the end of each event. The current structure usually left people exhausted, falling off their toadstools with a fair few discorporating half way through. It also gives us a platform to make a big deal bestowing cool prizes to people (we just don’t get enough opportunities to yell at people).

Speaking of prizes, the trophy and playmat aren’t going away, and top place finishers from each event will still be recognized. The trophy and playmat will be awarded to our first and second place Unsanctioned Season wizards. We’re hoping this will represent folks better. Rather than just performing well or casting a luck charm during one event, you’ll have a season to show off your spell slinging ability. Or just forget about winning entirely if you want. Tracking things over a season gives us the opportunity to award other, non-win related superlatives to be announced later. *cough* sick nasty play of the day *cough cough*

Let us know what you think in our Discord. We love you.