Date & Time: Sunday, October 20th, 2019 at 1 PM - 7PM
Starting Location: My Father’s Place, 523 SE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97214
Format: Throne of Eldraine Sealed (6 packs)
RSVP on Facebook

Another year passes as time continues its inexorable march.

“Are you prepared? Will its movement turn your soft heart into a Wal-Mart or will you be transmuted into a sinuous dragon? Will your unfeigned air wither and shrivel under the gaze of these vampires or will it temper your spirit into shimmering, dream-plated armor? Are you prepared?” These are all the things our father asked us when we turned four and now, we ask them to you. Whatever your reply, “You don’t come home until you’re a red sock!” Thanks, Dad. R.I.P.

Come party with us as we celebrate Swig N’ Sealed turning four. Good folks, good drinks, good food and free stuff! Use this as an early stress test for your Halloween costume.

What is Swig N’ Sealed?
Swig N’ Sealed is a pub crawl where we also play Sealed Magic, which means it is 21+ (sorry kiddos). You should bring your own packs from the corresponding set as well as basic lands. Compete for objects you ascribe value to and try to have more fun than anyone alive.